‘PATHWAYS TO YESTERYEAR: STROLLING THE STREET OF DREAMS’ is the title of the June 9th walking tour of the University Park neighborhood of West Adams. That's just over a week away, on a Saturday.
What will you see?
A portal to the past. Mansions like the one at right, which is the Dockweiler-Stearns residence. This is the last true mansion in University Park, completed over 110 years ago. Only two families have owned the place since and they haven't changed much.

There's even a DS monogram on the chimney that you can see in this Flicker photo.
Flicker says there was a murder-suicide at the mansion in 1924--hopefully, that story will be part of the tour.
A centerpiece of the self-guided walking route is Chester Place, our city's oldest gated community. Today it's Mount St. Mary's College, but in 1899 it opened as an enclave for the city's elite.
Another highlight is the Queen Anne cottage at right: the John B. Kane residence of the 1890s, designed by architect Fred Dorn. It still has stables in back!
Here's how the West Adams Heritage Organization describes the tour:
A century ago, Adams Boulevard was Los Angeles’s Street of Dreams – the main artery of a “Bon Ton District” that included Chester Place, St. James Park and the Belgravia Tract, home to some of the City’s finest residences.
There will be a sign-in tent at St. James Park, your starting point.
The tour runs from 10 am to 4 pm, but the last $30 ticket will be sold at 1pm. If you order in advance (before June 6th) tickets are $25.
Additional information: 323-732-4223 or tours@WestAdamsHeritage.org or www.WestAdamsHeritage.org.
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