The San Fernando Valley has its share of former Home Savings and Loan buildings, most of them now Chase Banks. And this one, in Studio City at the corner of Laurel Canyon and Ventura Blvd., designed by Millard Sheets, selects particular images leading to the city's existance: a Franciscan preaches to California's original inhabitants, Vaqueros work the ranches in the area, the Gold Rush brings Americans and statehood, and the movie industry gives the city its name.
CBS, once Max Sennett Studios, is only a few blocks away, after all. It was established in 1928, when Sennett was already a major producer and Chaplin a megastar. Sennett went bk in the Depression, and the place became Republic Studios. . .I'm digressing, I know. The point is, when this bank was erected in 1970, the nearby studio would have been Mary Tyler Moore Studios.
Technically, I've blogged about this branch before--but it's been two years, and this is a new pictures that I took myself.
Along with the second photo, a mosaic marker, again a couple of blocks away but in the other direction, on Ventura Place. I believe this marker was put up in 2012 by the Studio City Beautification Committee, which also landscaped the triangle of ground around it.
As you can see on their website, the SCBC is also working to improve several parks, establish pocket parks, beautify the L.A. River bank that cuts through the town, plant trees, and all sorts of stuff--all with money raised themselves.
1 comment:
Hi Vickey,
Thanks for this blog, interesting to see the history of LA.
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