Speaking of Hollywood Heritage , the LA Weekly reports on the ongoing fights between the preservation agency and the Los Angeles City Council in this article.
These lovely before and after pix of a 1920 house on Whitley were taken by Ted Otis.
In April, Hollywood Heritage sued the Community Redevelopment Agency and investors , charging that Los Angeles' City Council exploits loopholes to allow destruction of buildings, presumably to clear the way for projects favored by City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo, Councilman Tom LaBonge, and their cronies. Now the officials won't even talk to the LA Weekly. Seems like the snarling watchdogs at the Times aren't their only enemies.
Dear "Vix" -- you have an excellent blog, which I just discovered tonight. Thank you for posting the LA Weekly item about Hollywood Heritage (of which I am board secretary) and the CRA lawsuit, as well as the upcoming Al Jolson/Jazz Singer events. Are you a Hollywood Heritage member??? Valerie Yaros.
Hi, thanks for the great blog and post, amazing work! That was a sad day indeed but this battle is far from over. Hollywood Heritage has it's hands full these days, but we still say Hooray! -Ted Otis
Thank you both for your encouraging words. Valerie, I'm not a member of Hollywood Heritage, but one of many who appreciate the work you and Ted do against incredible (and well-funded) odds.
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