Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Progress at Peck Park Mosaic and Other Photos

The mosaic at San Pedro's Peck Park Swimming Pool is coming along. I blogged about it over a month ago, when I got to meet designer/artists Julie Bender and one of her volunteer helpers.

Given that they can only work on the weekends, and that two weekends since then have been rained out, I'm amazed at how much has been done. It's gonna be gorgeous.

Peck Park, btw, has the noisiest collection of crows and ravens in the South Bay.

I'm used to crows, but I've got to assume that half the denizons at Peck are not crows but ravens, since they are big and especially, raucously loud. This was the best I could do, picture-wise.

Does anyone know, technically, how to distinguish between the two, besides size?

Took a couple more pictures in San Pedro which I may as well post here because they're just so weird.

Who remembers Euell Gibbons?

Gibbons was the author of Stalking The Wild Asparagus. That's a real book, Gibbons' first. He wrote about finding and using natural foods from fields and vacant lots.

Well . . . I think the wild asparagus has morphed into the Asparagus That Ate San Pedro. Seriously. I vow to stop worrying about earthquakes and tsunamis; I'm pretty sure it's the plants that will do us in.

Or maybe these mutant veggies will save us all in the coming famine...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Having been to San Pedro on many occasions, I have to agree with you about the crows. I think they are noisey due to territorial issues with the hawks in the area. Peck park is just a hidden gem in Los Angeles in my opinion.
