Monday, March 21, 2011

Tarzan of Tarzana Mosaic

Today, I again thank Gerry Fecht and his blog of the Museum of the San Fernando Valley for photos and information about mosaics in Tarzana.

These mosaics line the bottom of a shallow fountain at the Whole Foods Market on Ventura Blvd, just installed last year. You can see even more details on the photos at the Nice Work blog. 

That blog also has a photo of the larger mosaic "World of Men" which I think is over the escalator.  It features a silouetted Tarzan in the top left, overlooking scenes of the developing city.

The artist is Jose Antonio Aguirre. I blogged about another of his works in the East Los Angeles Library. He is also one of three artists listed for the mosaics at the East Los Angeles Civic Center.

Here's an autobiography and pictures of some of his other work on a website maintained by Arizona State University (go Sun Devils!)

Tarzana was named for Tarzan. I didn't know that but should have--Tarzana was the home of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Finally, here's a link to the Tarzana Whole Foods Facebook page. But don't waste your time unless you have questions about the gourmet olive bar.  Tons of information on the groceries, but nothing on the mosaics. Boo.

1 comment:

  1. Just to be picky, it's

    The Museum of the San Fernando Valley.
