Sunday, January 10, 2010

Palos Verdes Mosaic Revealed

After months behind a plywood facade--which was making folks verrrry nervous, I can tell you--the restoration of the Millard Sheets mosaic on the Palos Verdes branch of Chase Bank is now viewable again. An' it's really purty.

Here's a blurb on the unveiling from the PV Peninsula News. Rebecca Villaneda writes that the mosaic was designed by Sheets and executed by Nancy Colbath and Denis O'Connor in 1974. Villaneda interviewed Sheets' son Tony, and went into great detail about the restoration. In this case, it appears that Chase Bank worked closely with Tony Sheets to conserve the artwork.

I hope that cooperation will be the norm from now on. Public art enhances businesses and delights their customers; defacing or removing it can only create loss.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me know about this post, and great to see it! I agree that more of these restorations should be done, and in collaboration between bank and art community, as originally created.
